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发布时间:2020-03-22 | 发布者: 东东工作室 | 浏览次数:


  The total number of cases in Italy, the European country hardest hit by the virus in Europe, rose to 10,149 from a previous 9,172, an increase of 10.7%,according to the Civil Protection Agency on Tuesday.  

  2020年3月,意大利那不勒斯,工作人员正在给新堡(Maschio Angioino castle)深度清洁 图源:Cesare Abbate/EPA


  Italy will expand the lockdown of the Lombardy region to the entire country, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said Monday as Italy’s case count surged, making it the country with the most COVID-19 cases outside of China. 


  People throughout the country of 60 million should not travel other than for work or emergencies, Conte said. He added that all public gatherings will be banned and sporting events suspended. The decision was made to protect the most vulnerable people in the country, he said, and the measures will take effect Tuesday and last until April 3.


  “The right decision today is to stay at home,” Conte said. “Our future and the future of Italy is in our hands. These hands have to be more responsible today than ever before.”

